Students demand the resignation of Noraini due to the registration fiasco


Students demand the resignation of Noraini due to the registration fiasco

Aminah Farid |

Aminah Farid |

Updated 2 hours ago · Published on October 3, 2020 9:25 am ·

Higher Education Minister Noraini Ahmad is accused of incompetence a few days before the start of the new academic year, when classes and enrollment on campus were canceled yesterday. – Malaysia Insight photo of Hasnoor Hussain, October 3, 2020.

UNIVERSITY students yesterday demanded that the Minister of Higher Education, Noraini Ahmad, resign after a last minute change to move classes and registration online after an increase in Covid-19 cases in the country .

Thousands of students were caught off guard as they made their way to their campuses to start a new semester.

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