Students are upset but understand the situation


PETALING JAYA: New students eager to start life on campus will have to wait a little longer.

Many, some at the last minute, were told to delay their travel to their respective campuses as Covid-19 cases increased in Malaysia.

Mona Sri Santhakumar, 19, was among those forced to reschedule her flight, originally scheduled for next week.

Luckily for her, Malaysia Airlines allowed her to change her flight to Sarawak.

“I got worried when I found out I couldn’t go to campus because this is my first semester and I was so excited to start my college life,” she told The Star.

The University Putra Malaysia Bintulu campus student said that despite her disappointment, she understood why this was happening.

“My family and I are concerned about our health seeing the high number of Covid-19 cases. So I really appreciate our government’s decision to protect the security of our nation, ”he said.

Yesterday, the Ministry of Higher Education urged higher education institutions to move their registration for the new semester online to protect the health and safety of all.

Kathiyainie Puspanathan (Photo), 19, had already packed his belongings and was about to leave for Penang tomorrow when he received the news that students must register online.

“I am upset, but this is a good measure to prevent the spread of Covid-19 to students,” said the student from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).

She said USM informed the new students that orientation and lessons would be held virtually until further notice.

Another USM student, who wanted to be known as Lee, said there was nothing he could do about it.

“If we are not allowed to be on campus, then I have no choice but to postpone my trip from Kuala Lumpur,” he said, adding that he was eager to start life on campus.

Avilasha, 19, was supposed to be heading to Universiti Malaya today from Seremban, but will now be registering online.

“This was all at the last minute and I wish it didn’t happen, but this postponement is a good measure,” he said.

Meanwhile, students who were upset took to Twitter to express their displeasure.

As of 6 p.m. yesterday, there were more than 32,000 tweets with the hashtag #MenteriKPTsilaletakjawatan.
