Streets of Rage 4: The King of the Bare Knuckles Strike – James Ide


We are living a time of remakes and reinvention of some of the most beloved IPs in games like Doom, Resident Evil and Final Fantasy just to name a few big budget releases, fans of original games are homesick for these games, but also watch them! updated with modern graphics and some of the most confusing elements updated.

He was a kid from the 90s and played games like Golden Ax, Turtles in time, The Simpsons and Final Fight, but among these legendary beat-em-ups games one of the forceful games was Streets of Rage.

Originally released in 1991 on the 16-bit beast Sega Megadrive during the console wars. Streets of Rage helped solidify Sega’s reputation as the hippest console with an attitude. The game was followed by two sequels that added new moves and characters.

The last entry in this once popular genre was Street of Rage 3 in 1994. Arcade-style beat-em-ups have fallen out of favor over the years with games like Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Castle Crashers and Darker Devolvers. take with mother Russia bleeds. This new entry in the Streets of Rage franchise shows young people how we discovered heads in the 90s.

26 long years have passed and the Godfather of beat-em-ups has returned with Streets of Rage 4.

The artistic style is impressive.
The artistic style is impressive.

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The plot was always pretty weak and it was more like a 90s action movie. Crime is rampant in the city and three ex-cops oppose kingpin X. This time, the antagonist from previous games has been replaced by his children, the Y twins, who are trying to take over Wood Oak City.

The original characters Axel, Blaze and Adam return and join in their heroic and very illegal fight for new characters Floyd Iraia and Cherry Hunter ready to blow some heads.

The story of the new game is told through still images with text just like the original narration inspired by the comic panel from the original trilogy, which looks great and adapts to aesthetics.

The first thing that strikes you between the eyes is the beautiful introductory scene, and once you hit the streets, the beautiful hand-drawn art style makes the characters and backgrounds appear vibrant and shoddy at the same time. Developer Lizard Cube is known for his excellent work on Wonder Boy remakes that have faithfully taken the original 16-bit sprites and lovingly brought them to 2020.

The game has stuck to its 2D roots and looks much better, animations look great and move smoothly with characters and streets that look like a 90s era cartoon or anime.

Yuzo Koshiro is famous for creating the original and indisputable tapping of a soundtrack inspired by techno. However, the music for Streets 4 is mainly composed by Olivier Deriviere, with some songs by Koshiro, and although it is good music, it only lacks that chiptune magic that was the original score.

However, you can change the soundtrack to classic if you’re nostalgic for some old-school beats to stomp your head on.

The game features simple controls with a jump button, hit and special movement, with a new super special movement and specials in the air, included. The game does not feature a crash, though it means you cannot defend yourself and I found it frustrating that I was unable to run like most similar games, which means that sometimes it is difficult to avoid getting hit.

The game feels a little slow and sometimes, like an old school arcade game, I was expecting something more fluid, but once I got used to the controls and started using specials, I really started breaking some skulls.

Each character has their own unique special moves while draining a part of your health. Streets 4 gives you a chance to get it back by defeating enemies as long as your combos don’t break without taking a hit. It’s a nice upgrade to the 3-move system and an added incentive to play aggressively.

Weapons like pipes, knives, and bottles return, although this time in good weather you can also catch thrown weapons, making you feel like a complete rude before returning it to the sender.

The game features 12 unique stages and the levels are very reminiscent of the classic trilogy with most stages involving traveling in one direction with a few little surprises here and there.

In addition to the fairly short but satisfying story mode, the game also features arcade mode, boss trouble, and battle. They add some fun, but the story mode is by far the best.

Anyone who has played the first three games knows that multiplayer is where Streets of Rage really shines and 4 is no exception.

The game features local and online multiplayer and can support up to 4 players. Unfortunately, at the time of writing this review, online multiplayer was not available.

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Streets of Rage 4 is a great fighter and looks absolutely awesome. The game is faithful to the originals. It’s just as fun to play as the previous games for fans and newcomers, but it doesn’t innovate much in the main game. The love for the source material shines and makes the game a pleasure to play. Especially if you and your partners play together while arguing about accidental hitting and stealing the chickens.

Street of Rage 4 is out April 30 on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch

A limited-edition physical version of the game is also available until May 10 from Limited race games
