Stranded students get help


PETALING JAYA: Malaysians once again showed their gentle side by taking action to help college students who were left in the lurch after the government decided to move their enrollment and classes online.

This came after Friday’s announcement by the Ministry of Higher Education, urging public higher education institutions to make their enrollments and lessons for the new semester practically amid a resurgence of Covid-19 infections in the country. .

Many students were already on their way to campus by then.

However, as quickly as the government’s decision, individuals and groups came together to help these students.

On Twitter, good-hearted Malaysians volunteered to help in various ways, from offering money for personal expenses and bus tickets to free food and a temporary place to stay.

“I want to help the students stranded in Seremban. God willing, I will try to find accommodation for one night around Seremban. You can send me a direct message, ”someone wrote under Twitter username @khairul_hafidz.

Another Malaysian, with the username @elenatengku, said that she was a professor at the Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam and wanted to help out.

“My husband and I would like to help any student who is stranded here right now. If you need financial help, please send me a direct message, ”he wrote.

@rudyroutepecker offered to buy food for affected students in the Klang Valley, saying, “Let me know and I’ll take care of you. It’s limited to one meal a day for two. “

Another Twitter user, @FarhanAmran, wrote that at 10:24 p.m. on Friday, he managed to place 35 students in various accommodations around Petaling Jaya and financed bus tickets for another 21, as well as three flights.

One Twitter user @ngehngehngeh posted: “Anyone (girls) who have already arrived at Kolej Puncak Perdana but were told to turn around and have nowhere to stay, please let me know. You can stay with me for a while. “

The new political party of former Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman, Muda and Pertubuhan Solidaritas, raised around RM 51,000 to help affected students through the #TolongBantuMahasiswa campaign.

Former Education Minister Dr. Maszlee Malik also launched a collection drive starting Friday night.

“At 2pm on Saturday, the collection reached RM110,998.89,” he said yesterday in a Facebook post, adding that nearly 5,000 requests for help had been received.

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# Dynamic field

Ready to begin: Students arriving at Za’ba Residential College and Tuanku Kurshiah Universiti Malaya on what would be their enrollment day. The university gave students the option of staying on campus or returning home to await further instructions from the Ministry of Higher Education. – Bernama
