Stop making excuses, send all patients to quarantine centers, urge representative


Stop making excuses, send all patients to quarantine centers, urge representative

Updated 18 hours ago · Published on December 29, 2020 10:50 am ·

The ministry should not rely on ambulances to transport Covid-19 patients and should deploy all spare assets to move them, says an assemblyman. – Seth Akmal’s Malaysia Insight photo, December 29, 2020.

PUTRAJAYA should stop making excuses and use all resources to transport Covid-19 patients from their homes to quarantine centers, said an assemblyman from Selangor.

Bukit Gasing Assemblyman Rajiv Rishyakaran said that it is crucial for the government to address this issue, as asking patients to stay home while the Health Ministry seeks to provide transportation is not feasible.

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