Starving woman locked in bathroom by husband for over a year is rescued


Haryana, India (ANN): Authorities in Haryana, India rescued a 35-year-old woman held captive by her own husband inside a small, narrow toilet.

The victim, whose name was withheld, was found in very poor condition after around a year and a half in captivity, according to the Hindustan Times yesterday, October 15.

During the time she spent living in such unsanitary and dire conditions, it was reported that she was not fed well and was not given enough clean water.

The woman, a mother of three, had been starving for days when she was found in Rishpur village in Panipat district, according to the report.

The district’s women’s protection officer, Rajni Gupta, together with a team of officials from the Panipat Women’s and Child Welfare Department, found the victim after receiving a report of her condition.

“I was so weak that I couldn’t even walk; she ate 8 chapattis (unleavened flatbread) when we fed her, “said Gupta.

The husband, identified as Naresh Kumar, claimed that his wife had mental health problems, although he was unable to produce any documents about her treatment, according to the report.

The woman was also able to answer the team’s questions and properly identified her family members. Police said they will consult a doctor about his mental health.

The victim has been married to Kumar for 17 years. A case was registered against the husband, who has since been detained. – Philippine Daily Inquirer / Asia News Network
