South China Sea: Rivals Agree to Pact to “Tighten Defensive Ties” Amid anger over Beijing | World | News


Australia and Japan agreed to a defense pact over the disputed waters, admitting they had “serious concerns about China’s strategic moves.” This will bring the two nations together to carry out military exercises while operating in what has been described as the most expensive stretch of sea in the world. But the dispute deepened after Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison demanded “stability and prosperity” for all nations seeking to work in the South China Sea, while raising concerns about the handling of Hong Kong. by Beijing, claiming that it should be a “region free of coercion.” “.

Jonathan Kearsley, a political commentator for 9 News Australia, said the reason behind the Japan-Australia pact was China’s growing influence in the disputed waters, as well as in the East China Sea.

He explained: “An agreement to reach an agreement was signed when the two leaders met face to face in Tokyo.

“Much of their joint statement after these meetings focused on the strategic effect that China imposes on the region through its militarization of the South China Sea.

“Both leaders also expressed concern about the future of Hong Kong and called for a region free from coercion. Australia’s prime minister described the meeting as ‘pivotal’.”

South China Sea: rivals agree to pact to 'tighten defensive ties' amid frustration over Beijing

South China Sea: rivals agree to pact to ‘tighten defensive ties’ amid frustration over Beijing (Image: GETTY)

South China Sea: Scott Morrison was attacked by China

South China Sea: Scott Morrison was attacked by China (Image: GETTY)

Following the meeting, Morrison, along with his Japanese counterpart Yoshihide Suga, delivered their verdict on the pact, prompting China to cast its own disappointment in Australia.

Kearlsey claimed that an official inside China said Australia had “blatantly violated the rules of national relations by speaking out” on issues such as Hong Kong and alleged human rights abuses.

Hong Kong has become a divisive issue as many have criticized China’s “concerted campaign to silence critical voices” that oppose the rights of people living in Hong Kong.

Among them was Suga, who described activity in the region as “contrary to the rule of law and openness,” adding that there was “serious concern” about Hong Kong following China’s national security failures in the state.

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South China Sea: Japan's prime minister also jumped in line

South China Sea: Japan’s prime minister also jumped in line (Image: GETTY)

The ongoing dispute between Australia and China was summed up by the representative of the Australian Institute for Strategic Policy, Peter Jennings, who said that Beijing had applied a strategy similar to that of “shut up and take the money.”

He added: “They don’t want Australia to express opinions on what we think is important in regional security. No Australian government can live with that.”

“I don’t think democracy can live with that.”

According to Mr. Kearsley, an official in Beijing stated that if “Australia does not care about China, then China will not care about Australia at all.”

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World War III: American military in the South China Sea

World War III: American military in the South China Sea (Image: GETTY)

The dispute centers on the waters, which are the richest in the world.

China claims almost the entire strategic South China Sea.

Others arguing for their water rights include Brunei, Indonesia, Taiwan and the Philippines.

Morrison and Suga agreed on their plan after the East Asia Summit, which was attended by nations like the United States, China and South Korea, with 18 members making up the group.

South China Sea Region

South China Sea Region (Image: EXPRESS)

The United States, however, came under fire from China for contracting private civil jets that have been used to monitor Beijing’s maritime operations.

The South China Sea Survey Initiative (SSCBI), a China-biased think tank, argued that the United States had conducted 150 patrols in this covert manner since March.

A report released by the group added: “Compared to the aerial reconnaissance capabilities of the US Navy and Air Force, reconnaissance aircraft from private defense companies have greater flexibility in addressing problems of the ‘gray zone’, reducing diplomatic pressure caused by the military direct confrontation.

“This also indicates that the United States will intensify its presence in the Indo-Pacific region through a collaboration between the military sector, the Coast Guard and private security.”

South China Sea: water is claimed by many nations

South China Sea: water is claimed by many nations (Image: GETTY)

Tensions continued to rise this week after a source close to the Chinese military claimed it had successfully struck a moving ship, even though it originally claimed several of its anti-ship ballistic missiles had fallen into the sea.

According to the South China Morning Post, the missiles were initially reported to have traveled “thousands of kilometers before landing” somewhere between the Paracel and Hainan islands.

But former Chinese senior official, Wang Xiangsui, claimed that it had actually struck a moving ship, contrary to what was originally reported, sparking further tensions with the United States, which claimed the missile was a “carrier killer. “.
