South China Sea: Beijing ‘Sea Dragon’ Underwater Weapons | World | News


Several countries claim territorial rights in the South China Sea, which has become one of the most hostile regions on the planet. The Spratly Islands form the epicenter of complex disputes, as China occupies seven features and has heavily militarized its part of the archipelago. But Beijing is not alone on the islands. Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Taiwan have also claimed on the Spratly chain, making the region the most complex and controversial piece of the South China Sea puzzle. Described by many as “island fortresses”, China has enveloped the South China Sea with artificial island bases, and has been accused of forming them specifically for military purposes.

The transfer of its aircraft carriers, runways and weapons to the region has earned the group of bases the nickname: “The Great Wall of Sand.”

As China continues its relentless increase in military dominance, the United States has regularly aggravated China by sending warships and aircraft carriers through waters that Beijing considers its own.

Competition for island groups and lucrative waters has also seen the introduction of underwater weapons, showcased by the Chinese military.

Chinese state-affiliated media published a video of a training exercise conducted by naval special warfare operators from the Jiaolong Commandos of the People’s Liberation Army Navy.

The name translates to ‘Sea Dragons’, and the force was filmed with underwater weapons.

According to the state news outlet CGTN, the Jiaolong commandos are based in Sanya, the southernmost city on Hainan Island in the South China Sea.

The same source identifies some of the unit’s supposedly broad areas of expertise such as coastal infiltration, jungle patrols, and the fight against urban terrorism.

Among the weapons in question are the QBS-06 submarine assault rifles.

According to Western accounts, the QBS-06 seen in the hands of the Jiaolong Commandos fires 5.8mm DBS-06 special ammunition, each bullet carrying a long needle-shaped projectile.

READ MORE: South China Sea: Beijing’s secret underwater base ‘looks for trouble’

These are loaded in detachable plastic magazines, each with a 25-round capacity. Its cyclical rate of fire is around 600 rounds per minute.

Chinese troops were also seen using a QSS-05 underwater pistol.

The base on Hainan Island has also drawn attention in recent years, as it is abuzz with underwater activity.

Retired USN Captain Christopher Carlson warned these ships were “looking for trouble” adding that “most people don’t realize that submarines maneuver like pigs on the surface.”

The RFA report claimed that the scene “hints at how China can muster considerable undersea power on the threshold of the disputed South China Sea.”

The most recent image on Google Maps, for example, shows three submarines, two ballistic missile carriers and a smaller type of attack, moored in the open docks.

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However, this is not the first time such a base has been discovered.

Construction started on another base, worth £ 230 million, in 2017, which aims to help President Xi Jinping quell American opposition by increasing Chinese control of the disputed waters.

Security experts believe it could take the form of an underwater spy center, equipped with trackers that could help locate US warships and submarines.
