Song Seung Heon hastily escorts Seo Ji Hye on a poster date for a new romantic drama


MBC’s upcoming drama Monday through Tuesday “Shall We Eat Dinner Together?” (working title) released a new romantic poster!

Based on the webtoon of the same name, “Shall we eat dinner together?” It tells the love story of a man and a woman who have grown weary of romance after experiencing painful tears. As they dine together, they finally regain their excitement skills and begin to find love over food.

In the new poster, Song Seung Heon and Seo Ji Hye are surrounded by a romantic atmosphere. Song Seung Heon generously escorts Seo Ji Hye holding his hand as he exits a yellow taxi.

Furthermore, the two of them are also dressed in a striking outfit for their romantic date. Song Seung Heon, who plays the smart psychiatrist and food psychologist Kim Hae Kyung, looks charming in his clean-cut white suit. Seo Ji Hye, who plays Woo Do Hee, the production manager (PD) for the 2N BOX web channel, remembers Audrey Hepburn in the movie “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” in her black satin dress. With the beautiful couple gaze, viewers are even more excited to see Song Seung Heon and Seo Ji Hye’s romance in the upcoming drama.

“Shall we have dinner together?” will be released on May 25. Check out a trailer for the drama here!

Meanwhile, check out Song Seung Heon on “The Great Show” below:

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Catch Seo Ji Hye in “Heart Surgeons”:

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