Song Kang answers questions about ‘Sweet Home’ season 2 + friendship with co-star Lee Do Hyun


In light of the world premiere of his Netflix original K-thriller series’Sweet Home‘Last weekend, lead actor Song Kang took part in a press interview about his time working on the set, his portrayal of his character, and more.

First, Song Kang talked about his portrayal of the lonely high school student. Hyun soo, traumatized by his past experiences being bullied. In ‘Sweet Home’, a line that read, “Handsome boys aren’t bullied, right?” attracted the attention of viewers. In response to this, Song Kang recalled that the director also felt that for Hyun Soo looking “less handsome” was important. “There was a lot of special makeup involved, like freckles, bloodstains, and scars.”

About his powerful ending scene, Song Kang said: “I did not exercise especially during filming. When I had long and unkempt hair, I would hunch my shoulders and, after cutting my hair, I would straighten them. But I lost weight during the course of filming. When I started, I weighed about 70 kg, but in the end I weighed 65 kg. It wasn’t necessarily because filming was difficult. I was absorbed in how to play my character all the time. ”

Next, Song Kang talked about working with his co-star. Lee Do Hyun, who is only one year younger than him. “Because we are roughly the same age, Do Hyun and I connected very well and were able to talk a lot about our acting. In this story, we had a relationship that was controlling and controlled, but I would like to work with Do Hyun again in one. different story where we work together. Like very good friends. I think a relationship like Hye Young and Sun Oh from ‘Love alarm‘could be good’ Song Kang revealed.

Finally, Song Kang answered the question of whether or not Netflix would be working on ‘Sweet Home’ season 2. The actor commented, “I haven’t really heard anything specific. The understanding was that there would be another season if season 1 was well received.” Many of Song Kang’s fans were apparently concerned that the actor might finish filming season 2 of ‘Sweet Home’ before his mandatory military enlistment date. “Of course I have to enlist when my time comes, because it is a must. For now, I plan to concentrate on my productions, and then I will be ready to perform my service.” he affirmed.

Meanwhile, Song Kang will greet viewers very soon once again with season 2 of his Netflix original youth drama series ‘Love Alarm’.
