Soccer: Ozil disappointed after being sent off from Arsenal’s Premier League team


(Reuters) – Mesut Ozil, Arsenal’s underdog, said his loyalty to the north London club was unrequited after he was left out of his Premier League squad for the 2020-21 season.

Ozil, who is under contract with Arsenal until June 2021 and earns 350,000 pounds ($ 456,645) a week, has not played for coach Mikel Arteta’s team this season.

The German playmaker, who last played for the Gunners in March, was also fired from his Europa League squad earlier this month.

“I am really deeply disappointed that I have not signed up for the Premier League season at the moment,” he said in a statement on Twitter on Wednesday.

“By signing my new contract in 2018, I pledged loyalty and fidelity to the club I love, Arsenal, and I am saddened that this was not reciprocated.

“As I just found out, loyalty is hard to come by these days. I’ve always tried to stay positive from week to week that there might be a chance to return to the team soon. That is why I have been silent until now.”

Ozil said he was happy with his performance and the development of the team under Arteta before the COVID-19 shutdown in March, but things turned around after the season resumed in June and the 33-year-old did not play any. party since then.

Arteta had said last month that Arsenal are “evolving” and that Ozil would find it difficult to find a place in the squad, casting doubt on his future at the club.

“What else can I say? London still feels like home,” Ozil added. “Whatever happens, I will keep fighting for my chance and I will not let my eighth season at Arsenal end like this.

“I can promise you that this difficult decision will not change anything in my thinking. I will continue to train to the best of my ability and whenever possible I will use my voice against inhumanity and for justice.”

(Report from Manasi Pathak in Chennai; edited by Christian Radnedge)
