Soccer: Liverpool manager Klopp cannot attend his mother’s funeral


BERLIN (Reuters) – Liverpool manager Juergen Klopp will be unable to attend his mother’s funeral in Germany’s Black Forest region due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, he said on Wednesday.

Klopp, who led Liverpool to the English league title and the Champions League crown in recent seasons, said that due to restrictions and quarantine rules in England and Germany, he would not be able to attend the funeral.

His mother Elisabeth had passed away last month.

“She meant everything to me, a mother in the true sense of the word,” Klopp is quoted as saying in the local newspaper Schwarzwaelder Bote. “She is now in a better place.

“Not being at the funeral is due to dire times. Once conditions allow, we will hold a wonderful memorial service,” he said.

His Liverpool team has been denied entry to Germany to play RB Leipzig in the Champions League later this month due to travel restrictions, and the game will be held in Budapest, Hungary.

(Reporting by Karolos Grohmann; Editing by Christian Radnedge)
