So, does PAS agree to ousting ‘Her Majesty’s government’ in February?


YOUR OPINION | “PAS should accept that other people do the same as them.”

PAS calls for ‘Her Majesty’s government’ to join

IndigoTrout2522: Many of the current problems would not have occurred if then-Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad had responsibly fulfilled his promise to follow the mandate at GE14.

Instead, he resigned and tried to remain prime minister with the absolute power to select any deputy, regardless of party, who wanted to serve in his cabinet. When his plan failed, he lost power and position. He was too selfish and greedy for power.

Second, if Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin had accepted a vote of confidence in Parliament soon after he took office, we would not have this instability, uncertainty and chaos. Are power and position so important to these politicians?

Now, opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim is accused of trying to restore GE14’s mandate amid a pandemic. What about Muhyiddin? Did he, Azmin Ali and his allies care about the pandemic when it started to spread in February / March?

The situation now is so murky. Umno, PAS, Bersatu and PKR are trying to take the lead. The ultimate loser is the rakyat, but unfortunately, this situation must be resolved in order for the country to move forward.

Another final point is that Malaysia has a constitutional monarchy, not an absolute monarchy. The yang di-Pertuan Agong has to follow the Constitution. Even if Anwar has a majority, Muhyiddin does not have to resign until he loses a vote of no confidence in Parliament.

Of course, with a slim majority of just three, the government would not be stable or functional. Hopefully these leaders can reach a consensus.

Sayonara MI: The bad blood between Umno and Bersatu has gone too far for them to reconcile. Very soon, PAS will also be in the bad books of Umno.

By the way it is going, there will never be peace between these parties. It is only a matter of time before they part. As all these tug of war continue, the rakyat are the ones who will suffer.

GPS is the only one that can save the day. If they align themselves with Pakatan Harapan, at least a proper government can be formed to run the country until the next election. Then the mandate returns to the people.

Heron: If the current government had taken, considering the circumstances of its rise to power, a vote of confidence motion in its first inaugural secession from Parliament, the prevailing concern about its current status would not arise.

Some think Muhyiddin was in debt for voting on time. Disappointed many. As it is often said, “no one trusts blind prosperity.”

Omar From: PAS Secretary General Takiyuddin Hassan gives the impression that his party has many seats. They do not do it. They are part of a coalition of losers and those who jumped ship for God knows what reason.

Collectively, they have, at best, a three-member majority in Parliament; and they are unstable from conception.

Here’s the thing. A coalition could be ruined through deception, but could deception be the tie that binds? Not! Let’s wake up to this reality.

Coward: Takiyuddin can only say entrusted by the king because he knows that he cannot say entrusted by the electorate because he does not have it. So he was saying that the electorate didn’t count? That is a failed argument.

Here, you see a sleight of hand and an attempt to play the royal card. Anwar’s movement, even if it ultimately fails to achieve its goal, has succeeded in clarifying the divisions within the ruling coalition.

Apanakdikato: Well, Takiyuddin, this country belongs to the rakyat, not to any particular person you like.

Tell us, Takiyuddin, what part of the Constitution says that the law does not apply equally to the PAS, so that an ordinary citizen who violates the rules of the motion control order (MCO) goes to jail, but the same does not does it apply to PAS politicians?

Tell us, Takiyuddin, what part of the Constitution allows PAS politicians to look down on people of other religions and races and get away with it?

Tell us, Takiyuddin, what part of the Constitution says that only people who come from their own religious group can run the country, even when they are incompetent and corrupt to the core?

By the way, why do PAS leaders like to buy cars and luxury goods made in Christian countries so much? PAS is nothing more than a parasitic party full of hypocrites.

New day: Takiyuddin, we don’t have peace and harmony when there is a rule for politicians and the rest of us really have to obey the law.

You rise above us and make heroes of yours when you break the law. You prefer a system where no elections are held. Democracy and do not mix.

Every day, that thin federal carpet is getting closer and closer to being pulled out from under you and your power-mad supporters. Have the carpet completely removed.

Hood: In fact, the Harapan government was also entrusted by the former Agong to form “His Majesty’s government”.

Why is it okay to topple “Her Majesty’s government” in February this year but not now? Malaysia practices constitutional monarchy, which means we have a Parliament.

If a sitting prime minister loses the support of the majority in Parliament, it is the Agong’s duty to appoint a new prime minister. Plain and simple. Try your own medicine.

Léon Moch: Each government formed is “Her Majesty’s government,” including the Harapan government that the PAS helped to overthrow.

So if PAS felt it was okay to topple Her Majesty’s government a few months ago, then PAS should accept that other people do the same as them.

BrownRabbit6629: When Harapan was in power, the PAS did not speak of unity, but instead turned to race and religion to create hatred among the Rakyat.

After they conspired and overthrew the previous government through the back door, the same leaders now speak of unity.

Obviously, these PAS leaders, after gaining positions, are too worried to lose them if a new government is formed.

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