SM Entertainment Takes Legal Action Over Malicious Rumors About Trainee Yoo Ji Min


SM Entertainment has announced that it has taken legal action against those who spread malicious rumors about the company’s trainee Yoo Ji Min.

Hi, I’m SM Entertainment.

Recently, rumors about the company’s trainee Yoo Ji Min have been circulating on the internet. While the information is false and fabricated, the endless creation of malicious rumors and baseless attacks against a trainee who has her debut ahead of her is considered an act. serious defamation of his honor and character.

In order to protect the honor and character of our artists and apprentices, the company will not tolerate defamation and the circulation of malicious rumors online, and we will take civil and criminal legal action against these illegal acts.

We have appointed Kim & Chang Law Firm as our legal representative, and on October 14, 2020, we filed a legal complaint with the Gangnam Police Station for defamation, insult, etc. against those who have performed malicious acts regarding Yoo Ji Min.

We will continue to take serious action against those who continue to fabricate rumors or post and spread these rumors on social media and online communities after this.

The company has continuously monitored the artists and taken legal action to protect them, and we will continue to take strong legal action against misconduct directed at our artists and trainees after this case.

Thank you.
