Sinovac May Obtain Covid-19 Vaccine Phase Three Trial Results By December, Executive Says


JAKARTA (Nov. 20): Chinese vaccine maker Sinovac Biotech could get the results of its experimental Covid-19 vaccine from late-stage clinical trials next month, an executive said today.

Sinovac’s CoronaVac is in major last-stage tests in Brazil, Indonesia and Turkey. Preliminary results from early to mid-stage trials showed this week that it triggered a rapid immune response but lower levels of antibodies than seen in people who have recovered from Covid-19.

“Phase III is now working quite well,” said Weining Meng, senior director of Sinovac, at the Global Town Hall 2020 conference held online. “I guess maybe next month we will have data available.”

The results follow this month’s news from Pfizer Inc and BioNTech and Moderna, as well as Russia, of experimental vaccines that have shown efficacy in excess of 90%, according to interim data from large late-phase trials.

Brazil and Indonesia are considering CoronaVac for vaccines in the coming months.

Meng said the company’s manufacturing agreements with local partners, including Indonesia’s PT Bio Farma, will help it reduce production costs and speed up delivery once its vaccine gains regulatory approval.
