Singaporean mom gives birth to baby with Covid-19 antibodies


Current evidence suggests that transmission of Covid-19 from a pregnant woman to her baby during pregnancy or delivery is rare. (Rawpixel image)

PETALING JAYA: A Singaporean woman who had Covid-19 recently gave birth to a baby who was born free of the virus.

According to a Sunday Times report, Celine Ng-Chan’s baby, who was born earlier this month, is believed to have antibodies to the virus.

“It’s very interesting. His pediatrician said my Covid-19 antibodies are gone, but that Aldrin (his son) has them,” he said, as quoted in The Sunday Times.

“My doctor suspects that I have transferred my Covid-19 antibodies to her during my pregnancy.”

The report noted that 31-year-old Ng-Chan is one of the few women in the city-state who contracted Covid-19 during their pregnancies and who have given birth so far, adding that the son’s antibodies suggested he has immunity to the virus.

Natasha Ling, a 29-year-old speech and language therapist, who tested positive for Covid-19 in her 36th week of pregnancy in March, is believed to have delivered the first Singapore-born baby with Covid-19 antibodies. in April. 26.

Dr Tan Hak Koon, who chairs the division of obstetrics and gynecology at Singapore’s KK Children’s and Women’s Hospital, told The Straits Times that guidelines released by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in the UK in October indicated that current evidence suggests that transmission of Covid-19 from a pregnant woman to her baby during pregnancy or delivery is rare.

Tan also said that current evidence shows that the chances of a newborn being infected by Covid-19 from their mother did not depend on the mode of delivery, the choice of feeding (breast or bottle) or whether the mother and baby had remained in the same room after delivery.

