Singapore refutes report on ‘Malaysian homeless workers’


The Singaporean government says it will help any homeless person with a work pass obtain accommodation through their employer. (Image from Reuters)

PETALING JAYA: Singapore’s Ministry of Human Resources dismissed a report claiming there were hundreds of ‘homeless Malaysian workers’ in the city state.

On November 22, a New Straits Times (NST) report titled “Homeless Malaysians in Singapore” claimed that hundreds of Malays working in Singapore were forced to sleep on the roadside or on public benches after the border between Malaysia and Singapore was closed due to Covid. -19 pandemic.

The Straits Times reported today that the ministry had contacted the only source for the report, a man named Shahruddin Haeal Helmy Mohd Noh, as he wanted to provide assistance to the workers.

However, Shahruddin was unable to provide specific names or contact details for any homeless Malaysian workers he allegedly encountered.

“He admitted that he never spoke directly to any of these workers and cannot confirm whether they were really homeless,” the ministry said in the Singapore daily.

“He did not know of any Malaysian worker who did not have a place to stay and he also stated that he did not tell the NST reporter that ‘more than 100 Malaysians had become homeless.’

According to the report, Singapore officials had conducted routine checks and visited various locations across the island, but had not found any work pass holders sleeping on the street.

The ministry said that people found sleeping outside are assisted, and that employers of job pass holders are immediately told to provide accommodation, while workers whose employers cannot provide immediate housing are housed. temporarily at the Migrant Workers Center.

The ministry also said it had received no referrals from the various NGOs it works with regarding the presence of job pass holders sleeping outdoors.
