Singapore judge allows unusual investigation against prosecutors in maid case


SINGAPORE: The Chief Justice of Singapore said on Friday that he would allow an investigation into a complaint of alleged misconduct against two public prosecutors brought by a former maid who was acquitted of robbing her prominent former employer.

The unusual move to investigate the conduct of prosecutors in the city-state comes after Singapore’s high court last month overturned a 2016 conviction against Parti Liyani, an Indonesian maid accused of robbing Liew Mun Leong’s home. , the former chairman of Changi of Singapore. Airport.

The court had said there was an “improper reason” for mounting the charges against Parti.

Liyani had requested disciplinary proceedings against the two assistant prosecutors in his case for the way they conducted evidence and made certain presentations.

“The central consideration in the present case is the need to defend the proper administration of justice and safeguard the integrity of the public service,” said Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon in his decision. A disciplinary court will be appointed to investigate the case, he added.

The case, which sparked a backlash against Liew and led to his resignation, highlights the obstacles migrant workers face in accessing justice when facing legal problems, human rights groups say.

Police, the Ministry of Human Resources and the Attorney General’s Office (AGC) are reviewing their handling of the case, said Law Minister K Shanmugam.

The deputy prosecutors did not object to the request for an investigation and “appreciated the opportunity to present a full and transparent account of what occurred during the trial involving Ms. Parti Liyani, and will cooperate fully in any investigation,” the AGC said. .

With the help of the non-governmental organization HOME and the pro bono services of his lawyer Anil Balchandani, Liyani successfully appealed his conviction and sentence of 26 months in jail for stealing S $ 34,000 (US $ 25,000) worth of items such as watches and handbags. design. .

Liew, who was a prominent civil servant before joining the private sector, resigned from his various positions after a public furor over the case.
