‘Shy and disappointing’ budget is a big disappointment for struggling Malaysians


The response to Budget 2021 from worker and activist groups is one of frustration and disappointment, as a significant majority feel that the plan presented by Finance Minister Tengku Zafrul Abdul Aziz has not addressed many of the urgent needs of the B40 of Malaysia.

“This is a very disappointing and timid budget and most of the policies are recycled,” said Andrew Lo, secretary of the Malaysian Congress of Trade Unions of Sarawak (MTUC).

“Apart from the third round of Bantuan Prihatin Nasional (BPN) payments, in which households with a combined monthly income of RM 2,500 and less will receive RM 1,200 and families with more than two children will receive RM 1,800, the rest negligible.” Lo said.

“The 1 percent tax reduction is worth only RM300 after taking into account various existing refunds and the reduction in the Employee Provident Fund (EPF) contribution to 9 percent. Allowing withdrawals is sacrificing workers’ retirement savings and inviting future problems, ”he added …
