Ship-damaged offshore platform needs to be checked for gas leaks, says S’wak representative


MIRI: Thorough checks must be carried out to ensure that there are no gas leaks on the offshore oil platform that was damaged in the incident on Tuesday (October 27) when a maintenance ship, the Dayang Topaz, struck it in bad weather. says a Sarawak politician. .

Mulu Vice President and State Assemblyman Datuk Gerawat Gala said that while it is good to know that no oil spills have been detected so far, checks should be carried out to detect any gas leaks.

Gala, who has extensive experience in the oil and gas industry, said on Wednesday (October 28) that any major structural damage to an offshore production facility would require urgent corrective action.

“It is a very unfortunate incident that has resulted in loss of life, but it was caused by exceptionally bad weather conditions in the South China Sea.

“We (the state authorities) extend our condolences to the families of the (two) deceased.

We thank all those who managed to rescue the rest of the ship’s crew (185 survivors).

“The rescue mission was carried out in very dangerous weather conditions.

“The most urgent task now is to ensure that there are no leaks that could cause oil or gas emissions from the damaged platform,” he said.

Gala said it was encouraging to know (from the Malaysian Maritime Control Agency) that no oil spill had been detected, but that checks should be carried out to detect possible gas leaks.

“Conduct comprehensive structural integrity checks on the entire damaged rig without delay,” he said.

The Petronas Baram B oil production platform located 7.7 nautical miles off the coast of Miri was damaged when the Dayang Topaz, a maintenance ship, collided with it.

Two members of the ship’s crew were killed, one was injured and 184 were rescued in the 7 a.m. incident.

The ship was anchored to the platform, but the anchor cable broke after the ship was hit by huge waves. Then the ship crashed into the platform and many of those on board jumped into the sea after the waves overwhelmed the ship.

Maritime authorities and passing ships rescued the survivors for the next six hours.

The survivors have been brought ashore in the city of Miri for control.
