Shafie: Unity is the solution for Malaysia, not an emergency


Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal

KOTA KINABALU (October 25): Warisan President Datuk Seri Panglima Datuk Mohd Shafie Apdal says emergency is not the option for Malaysia.

“The collapse of the national and world economy, which is devastating and affects the livelihoods of all Malaysians, is the real enemy,” Shafie said in a statement today.

“I pray to all the leaders of our beloved country to put aside our differences and work as one to overcome the greatest challenge we face and to put the King, the country and the people first before all other problems.”

Sabah’s former chief minister emphasized that while emergency is not the option, unity is the solution in these difficult times.

According to Shafie, whatever it is, the nation must move forward and the people must not be left at a disadvantage.

Stating that unity is the way forward, Shafie emphasized that this is the time to put aside differences, including religion and race, and join forces to fight the real enemy.

“We may not agree on many things most of the time, but right now, I think we can agree on one thing: we love our country.

“May Allah give us all the wisdom and guidance to choose the right and correct path for the benefit of the country,” he added.
