Selayang’s foray does more harm than good, group says


Tenaganita has questioned the need for forays into the Selayang area today. (Photo by Tenaganita)

PETALING JAYA: The Tenaganita civil society group tonight questioned the raid on migrants in different areas of Selayang saying that the detention of migrants for an “administrative crime” would do more harm than good.

Tenaganita executive director Glorene A Das said detention centers are confined rooms, and the constant cycle of people in and out of a center would create “a perfect hotbed to spread the virus to and from communities.” .

“To make matters worse, it is well documented that our detention centers are struggling to provide adequate medical care to detainees. Their health systems are not equipped to deal with or control a coronavirus pandemic, ”it said in a statement.

Some of the migrant families that were affected by the Immigration Department made an incursion today. (Photo from tenaganita)

Earlier today, the Immigration Department reportedly carried out a raid to control foreigners in the area surrounding the Kuala Lumpur wholesale market in Selayang.

Those trapped are believed to be illegal immigrants who were taken to a temporary detention facility.

Glorene described the raid as heartbreaking and questioned why authorities continued to penalize and criminalize these communities that have the least in society.

It was also asked how social distancing can be implemented in such places and who would implement it, in addition to monitoring that such practices are implemented.

Some of the people in Selayang are being taken to detention or detention centers today. (Photo from tenaganita)

Glorene said the public health measures and social distancing rules aimed at containing Covid-19 were “absolutely irreconcilable” with the reality of arrest and imprisonment, as evidenced in Italy and other countries, during which several inmates died .

“These sad events should draw the attention of the Malaysian government and public attention to the enforcement of the anti-contagion regulations in overcrowded prisons, where a possible larger outbreak of the virus would be catastrophic.”

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