Selangor Sultan orders Mais to request to intervene in the appeal of the use case of ‘Allah’


KLANG: Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah has ordered the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) to request to intervene in the appeal against the High Court decision allowing Christians to use the word “Allah” in religious publications for educational purposes.

The Ruler of Selangor said that his position coincided with the Federal Court’s decision in the case of the Titular Roman Catholic Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur against the Minister of the Interior in 2014, as well as the Selangor edict issued on February 18, 2010 establishing that the term “Allah” could not be used to refer to God by religions other than Islam.

“It is the responsibility of Muslims to avoid the use of ‘Allah’ if there are elements of misuse or insult to the term.

“I am emphasizing that it is the responsibility of all Muslims to protect the sanctity of the term ‘Allah’ at all times and in any situation,” he said in a statement on Tuesday (March 23).

Sultan Sharafuddin added that he fully supported Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar of Johor’s call for the federal government to appeal against the High Court decision and urged the Islamic Religious Council of other states to do the same.

His Royal Highness also said that the term “Allah” could in no way be misplaced or used to refer to anyone other than Almighty God, which was the basis of the Islamic creed for Muslims.

The ruler said it was his responsibility and duty to protect the sanctity of the term “Allah”, since he was the head of Islam in the state.

Sultan Sharafuddin also decreed that non-Muslims in Selangor must adhere to and obey the prohibition not to use the term “Allah” as stipulated in the Promulgation of Non-Islamic Religions, which was passed on July 7, 1988.

“This also includes the prohibition of the use of certain other words established in the promulgation for commercial purposes and to name commercial entities and buildings,” he added.

The ruler emphasized that he had always emphasized that people respect each other’s religions and not touch religious sensibilities that can cloud unity in the state.
