Selangor reports more cases than Sabah


COVID-19 | The Ministry of Health reported 1,041 new cases of Covid-19 today at noon today and three deaths.

Selangor reported the most cases with 402 new infections, while Sabah recorded 346 cases and Negeri Sembilan 121.

There were also 1,405 recoveries, reducing the number of active cases.

Main indicators:

  • Active cases – 12,854 ↓ (367 less than the previous day)
  • Patients in intensive care – 108 ↓ (two less than the previous day)
  • Intubated patients – 45 ↑ (three more than the previous day)
  • Deaths – 3

The Director General of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah, said that the increase in Selangor cases was due to an increase in the Teratai group (298 new cases).

The group is linked to workers employed by rubber glove maker Top Glove.

Two of today’s cases were imported, while the rest were local.

The breakdown of cases by state, including imported cases, is as follows:

  • Existing clusters – 346
  • New cluster of Jalan Harapan – 17
  • Tracking Close Contacts – 19
  • Other types of screening – 20
  • Existing clusters – 43
  • Close Contacts Tracking – 148
  • Other types of screening -155
  • Existing clusters – 44
  • Follow Up Close Contacts – 5
  • Other types of screening – 17
  • Imported – 2
Johor (33)

  • Existing clusters – 17
  • New group of small towns – 3
  • Follow Up Close Contacts – 8
  • Other types of screening – 5
Silver (29)

  • Existing clusters – 21
  • Close contact tracking – 1
  • Other types of screening – 7
Penang (17)

  • Existing clusters – 12
  • Follow Up Close Contacts – 3
  • Other types of screening – 12
  • New Sky Coklat Group – 6
  • Other types of screening – 6
Kedah (6)

  • Existing clusters – 1
  • Follow Up Close Contacts – 3
  • Other types of screening – 2

Sarawak (0)

Pahang (0)

Malacca (0)

Terengganu (0)

Putrajaya (0)

[More to follow]

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