Selangor next to fall after Kedah?


FOLLOWING the “fall” of the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government in Kedah, the political maneuvers in other states that are still under the control of the PH, particularly Selangor, have also been revealed.

According to a Without Chew Daily Report yesterday, a PH source has revealed that Selangor Perikatan Nasional (PN) assemblymen have recently met with their PN counterparts, undeterred by the movement control order.

PN men were targeting the eight members of Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) in the hope that some of them would jump off the ship and increase the number of PN members in the state assembly as the coalition works to overthrow the government. current, the source noted.

The PH should be alarmed by the rinsing of the PN since many in PKR are not happy with the decision of the party’s central leaders to act or even fire the assembly members who were allies of former Vice President Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali.

It is known that 10 of the 19 PKR assemblymen in Selangor belonged to the Azmin faction. The 10, who face disciplinary action, could simply resign from the party and become PN-friendly members in the state assembly.

Among the 10, Lembah Jaya Assemblywoman Haniza Talha, the PKR women’s chief who had been a strong advocate for Azmin, has already been suspended.

Currently, PH has 43 of the 56 seats in the state assembly, while PH representatives make up the rest.

Should the 10 PKR members change camp, PN will have 23 seats, just five fewer than the number needed to take control of the state.

“In a 28-seat versus 28-seat stage, minus the speaker, the PH will be left with 27 seats. So (with 10 PKR members) PN only needs to win five members (from Amanah) to form a simple majority government, “the source said.

“PKR still has nine assembly members who are firm supporters of (party president Datuk Seri) Anwar Ibrahim. And it seems unlikely that the 16 DAP assembly members will change allegiance. So it appears that PH is pretty safe for now.

“But given the recent commotion by Assembly members from Perak, Paul Yong Choo Kiong from DAP and Hasnul Zulkarnain from Amanah, we never know what will happen next.

“On the surface, some PKR members support Anwar, but his action on social media says otherwise. For example, their likes on Facebook for critical comments from Anwar showed that they are inclined to support Azmin, ”the source said.

Read this story on our iPaper:

Selangor next to fall after Kedah?
