Selangor MB’s wife apologizes for the photos of the tank truck and the pool


Selangor MB’s wife apologizes for the photos of the tank truck and the pool

Updated 2 hours ago · Published on September 6, 2020 6:26 PM ·

A composite photo of two images posted on Instagram by Masdiana Muhamad, Selangor’s wife menteri kissing, at a time when the people of the Klang Valley are suffering from dry taps due to an unscheduled water outage. – September 6, 2020.

SELANGOR Menteri Kissing Amirudin Shari’s wife apologized for Instagram posts that gave the impression that a tanker truck was sent to the couple’s home to fill their pool.

Masdiana Muhamad said this was not the case, adding that he made a mistake by posting a photo of a water tanker truck and, separately, one of the people in a pool with the caption “bila air takde” (when there is no water ).

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