Sei Young the lion’s heart stalking an aggressive title defense | LPGA


Players handle pressure in different ways. Some show signs of cracking. Some calm down with slow, deep breaths. Some never smile, the intensity of the moment etched into each deepening line of their face.

Then there’s Sei Young Kim, who not only raises his game as the pressure escalates, but seems to get happier as he does so.

When you watch the career of the CME Group Tour Championship third-round leader, you can easily tell to pocket a chip to enter a playoff and then pocket a close-up to beat a Hall of Famer for your second career win. it was a stroke of good luck. You could certainly consider shooting 31 under par to set an all-time scoring record as a week like lightning in a bottle. Sure, you could say that hitting a 22-foot curling to win the biggest paycheck in women’s golf at the CME Tour Championship a year ago was a grand finale with a bit of luck. But when you combine all of those things together, throw a near-flawless big championship at Aronimink, and put a 5-0 playoff record on top, suddenly you see Kim as a superhero – James Bond straightens the knot on a Windsor tie. while saving the world.

It happens every time she is in contention. As the stage gets bigger and the pressure intensifies, Kim’s game becomes more aggressive while her personality goes the other way. In the hottest moments, Kim is as cool as Steve McQueen in a Mustang.

“My vibe was really good because of the warmer weather,” Kim said after a five-below 67 67 on Saturday, a round that gave him a one-shot lead at this CME Group Tour Championship before the final round. “Then they paired me with Jin Young (Ko) and Lexi (Thompson). Those are my favorite players to play, so yeah, it was fun. “Then he quickly added,” We didn’t talk much, but it was very comfortable and relaxed.

Kim may be relaxed on the inside, but her game is anything but placid. Saturday was an excellent example. He started the day with a shot off the lead held by world No. 1 Jin Young Ko, whom Kim has known since he was 14 and Ko was 9. They’re friends, but not too close.

“We are friends and we knew each other a long time ago. But we didn’t really have a lot of conversations (growing up) because of the different times, ”Kim said. “When I got here (to the United States and the LPGA Tour), she had just joined the KLPGA, so we missed each other.”

They have not been surprised this week. Sunday will be the third round in a row that Kim and Ko have played together, with No. 2 chasing No. 1.

Ko started Saturday with a one-stroke lead, but on the fifth hole they were tied, the only players to reach double digits below par at Tiburon Golf Club. When Kim birdied 10 feet at 10, the lead was one. And when he birdied 11 and 13, he extended to three. Ko bounced back with a late birdie on the 17th and Kim made three putts from the sideline on the 18th for his only bogey of the day to enter Sunday with a one-shot lead.

But even though he hits the golf ball, Kim’s shots are secondary to his swashbuckling personality. It should be called Sei Young the Lionhearted, a character for whom the moment is never too great.

“I keep attacking every tournament,” he said Saturday with a wink and smile. “I mean, especially this year. I already had two good wins and the reason I think I got those wins is because I played very aggressive all year and kept pushing myself.

“I set my goals before coming here. I will try to achieve my goals, I hope to achieve another tomorrow ”.

He didn’t mention Saturday’s goals out loud. But the Rolex Player of the Year is certainly high on the list. Following Inbee Park in the race for a handful of points going into the final week, Kim’s back got a little straighter when asked if the award meant a lot to her. “Oh yeah,” he said. “I try not to think about that during the round. But I allow myself to think about it from time to time. “

It never shows.

“Every time I have a lot of pressure, I try to feel like it’s a practice round,” Kim said. “I don’t press any more. I feel like, oh, this is just a practice round or the practice green. That thought helps me relax. And then, yeah, no more pressure. “

After saying that, he marched onto the green to rid his mind of the last three putt. He may have a practice mentality on the first tee, but the fire of competition is never far from the surface.

Lions often seem like the most relaxed animals on the plain. Until it’s time to eat. Then the herd disperses.

Sei Young the Lionhearted will be stalking his prey on Sunday.
