SDMC: Flights to Sibu are maintained, but we will closely monitor the quarantine situation


Stock photo of Bernama for illustration purposes.

KUCHING (December 28): The State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) is monitoring the situation in Sibu in regards to quarantine for Covid-19, said its president Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas.

“At the moment we are evaluating Sibu. We have found that some Sarawakians are smart because they know that Sibu does not have enough (designated) hotel rooms for quarantine, so if they fly to Sarawak via Sibu they know that the probability of being quarantined at home is very high.

“We have data to prove it. It’s very dangerous. We had a case in Bintulu where a person was put into home quarantine and then tested positive.

“We are studying the situation in Sibu and will discuss with the Divisional Disaster Management Committee there,” he said at a press conference on the Covid-19 updates on Monday.

He was asked to comment on public concerns about arrivals from Peninsular Malaysia, where people under surveillance are ordered to undergo home quarantine due to an alleged shortage of hotel rooms for quarantine, as only one hotel is being designated as a quarantine center.

However, Uggah recalled that in Sarawak, the designated quarantine centers are not just hotels, as there were other suitable locations as well.

“The Committee in Sibu is doing everything possible to ensure that the quarantine centers are sufficient and if (that is) still not enough, we will seek to reduce the flight. At the moment we are keeping the flight ”, he said.
