SDMC: 14-day CMCO will apply in Kuching district from November 9-22


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KUCHING (Nov 7): A 14-day Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) will be enforced in the Kuching district from Nov 9 to 22, said the Senior Deputy Minister and Chairman of the State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC ), Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas.

He said that SDMC made the decision after the increase in cases in Kuching district and after discussing the matter with the chief minister, Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg.

“We assessed the situation and taking into account the number of Covid-19 cases transmitted locally in the last 14 days, which is a total of 151 cases now, we have decided that it is time to enforce CMCO for the Kuching district,” he said. . a press conference on the Covid-19 updates today.

Uggah said that detailed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) regarding the CMCO will be announced tomorrow (Sunday).

“Economic activities such as restaurants and supermarkets will continue as usual. Those that have been closed such as bars, clubs and massage centers will remain closed, ”he said.

A CMCO will not allow all large social gatherings, sports activities involving large gatherings, and interstate travel, except for work purposes. Most economic sectors will still be able to operate under CMCO rules, although they must observe all SOPs and enforce physical distancing.

When traveling between districts, Uggah reported that police permission was needed for those traveling from Kuching to other districts.

“For those who work, whether in the public or private sector, they can get a letter from their respective department heads.

“For districts other than Kuching, there are no travel restrictions,” he said.
