Sarawak will begin Covid-19 vaccination on February 27


KUCHING: The first phase of Sarawak’s Covid-19 vaccination that begins on February 27 will cover the front-line.

The state’s director of health, Dr. Chin Zin Hing, said the jabs will be administered at 56 centers comprising public hospitals and health clinics across the state.

“These centers will provide vaccination to those on the front lines, including medical and health personnel, police, army, civil defense personnel, etc.”

“We will give you an appointment when you come, because it is about the Pfizer vaccine, which requires two doses.

“After the first dose, they have to come back 21 days later for the second dose for this vaccine to be effective,” he said at the state disaster management committee informational meeting here on Monday (February 15).

Dr. Chin said Sarawak’s current vaccine supply is sufficient to cover about 40,000 of the estimated 97,000 leading the state.

“After March, we should receive a new supply of vaccines, but as of now, we have no further details on when and how many more will arrive at that time,” he said.

Dr. Chin also said that phase two of the vaccination campaign would cover people aged 60 and over, and those with diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, as they are considered high-risk groups.

The third phase will be for people over 18 years of age without health problems.

“We will try to start phase two in late March, but it depends on our supply of the vaccine,” he said.

An estimated 2.2 million people in Sarawak are eligible to receive the vaccine.
