Samy Vellu’s mental health investigation cannot be made public, court says


Former MIC president Samy Vellu is being sued by his son to determine his mental state. (Photo by Bernama)

KUALA LUMPUR: All matters related to an investigation into the mental health of former MIC S president Samy Vellu cannot be disclosed to the public, according to a lawyer involved in the case.

Lawyer David Mathews, who represented Samy Vellu’s son, Vell Paari, said that on October 2, Superior Court Judge Wong Chee Lin had granted his client’s request to keep the matter confidential.

Mathews, when contacted, said there was a protection or sealing order in place related to the investigation.

“The court issued the confidentiality order. The dates and court documents related to the investigation cannot be disclosed. I can’t say more, ”he said, adding that the request for the sealing order in the investigation was made on September 27.

On September 11, Wong allowed Vell Paari’s request for his father to undergo a mental health investigation.

Vell Paari, 58, filed the lawsuit against his father on December 2 of last year, seeking a court order for an investigation to be carried out to determine his father’s mental fitness and whether the former Minister of Labor had the ability to manage yourself and your care.

In the lawsuit, Vell Paari requests an order establishing a date, time and place for an investigation to be conducted pursuant to Section 52 of the Mental Health Act of 2001 on his father, to determine the period that his father had been suffering from mental disorder. .

He is also seeking a court order to find out if his father is capable of ordering his lawyer to act on his behalf (Samy Vellu) and to determine the types of property his father owns.

The former MIC Secretary-General is also requesting that the consultant neuropsychiatrist and director of Neurobehavioral Medicine at Penang Adventist Hospital, Dr. Prem Kumar Chandrasekaran, 52, or other mental health experts, have access to examine his father personally and prepare a report on the situation of the accused. mental capacity.

In the event that it is determined that the defendant suffers from a mental disorder and is unable to manage himself and his affairs, Vell Paari will seek that several persons, including himself (plaintiff) and lawyer C Vijaya Kumar, be appointed by the court as committee. members to manage the defendant’s estate.

If the court allows individuals to be appointed members of the committee, the plaintiff will seek the court to determine the powers of the committee, establish a provision for its costs and expenses, as well as the compensation to be paid to the members.

Vell Paari will also seek an order to be appointed as the defendant’s litigation representative in any legal proceeding involving Samy Vellu, his property or interests.

He said that since 2017, he had helped his father manage his affairs and wealth and had used his own funds for this purpose, as his father was unable to access the funds in his bank accounts for health reasons.

On September 11, Wong turned down a request from Meeriam Rosaline Edward Paul, 59, who claimed to be the wife of Samy Vellu, to intervene in Vell Paari’s lawsuit.

Rosaline had also failed her second offer to intervene after the same court dismissed her request on October 8.
