Sabah relaxes travel restrictions in time for Christmas


The Minister of State, Masidi Manjun, said that “it is time for everyone to have the opportunity to return.”

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah has relaxed its entry restrictions for Malaysians and non-citizens with long-term passes to enter the state starting tomorrow.

They would only have to prove that they tested negative on a Covid-19 swab test three days before traveling.

Housing and local government minister Masidi Manjun said only those who tested negative and show no symptoms of the virus are allowed entry.

“This is part of our effort to get things back to the way they used to be, but in phases,” he said, during his Covid-19 briefing today.

“This is also to normalize travel between the peninsula and Sabah. There are many in Sabah with relatives (on the peninsula) and Christians will also celebrate Christmas later this month.

“It is about time that everyone has the opportunity to return and this does not only mean for tourism.”

Those who will be allowed to enter with social visit passes are national travelers who have MyKad, MyPR or MyKAS (temporary resident identity card); non-citizens with long-term immigration passes; and spouses of Sabahans and their dependents.

Masidi, who is Sabah’s official Covid-19 spokesperson, said non-citizens without long-term passes should seek special approval from the state government.

He added that those who are allowed to visit will not have to obtain permission from the police to leave Sabah.

When asked if those entering will be allowed to travel to other districts considering that the inter-district travel ban is still in effect, Masidi said Chief Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob is expected to make an announcement on the matter tomorrow.

“My statement today and yours tomorrow could be interconnected. But I think when you allow the West Malaysians to come, I’m sure it’s not just to be in Kota Kinabalu, ”he said.

He noted that nothing had changed much regarding travel restrictions, only the categories of people who were allowed to enter.

“There have always been trips between KL and KK, but the authorities were quite strict as they only allowed certain types of trips.

“What we are saying now is that we feel we should allow more people to travel.”

To this end, Masidi was not worried about an avalanche of people coming in.

“We (in Sabah) remain cautious, others also. Although we open our doors, if people think it is still too risky, I don’t think there will be an immediate flood. And everything is also subject to current health SOPs, ”he said.

Masidi also announced that the restaurants’ closing hours have been extended from 10 p.m. to 12 a.m. starting tomorrow.

