Sabah MP Accuses Tree Girl Veveonah of Faking Exam Drama


Kudat MP Abdul Rahim Bakri accused Veveonah Mosibin of being an attention seeker.

KOTA KINABALU: A Sabah deputy minister and deputy accused Sabahan video star Veveonah Mosibin of faking an online university exam, saying he lives in the city and no longer lives in the kampung where he said he climbed a tree to appear for the exam.

Kudat’s MP Abdul Rahim Bakri, who is Deputy Finance Minister, also accused Veveonah of deliberately creating drama, to seek attention and publicity.

Veveonah was recently shot to fame after posting a video on her YouTube channel three months ago about spending 24 hours in a jungle tree to get the best internet connection so she could sit for her exams online.

Rahim said in a Facebook post that Veveonah’s account was inaccurate and unsubstantiated.

“I have asked my officer, Ambang Sobul, who is from Kampung Bilangau Kecil and lives next to Kampung Sepatalang (to investigate).

“He informed me that Veveonah’s parents no longer lived in Sepatalang because his father, Mosibin Maraun Makrun, works at the Rural Development Corporation in the city of Pitas.

“Actually, she doesn’t have a house in Kampung Sepatalang, so how can this student claim that she studied in a tree in the village when she actually lives in a city?”

Rahim said he had contacted the dean of the Veveonah faculty and professors at Universiti Malaysia Sabah to confirm the details of the exam and found that no final exams were conducted online.

He questioned Veveonah’s motives for posting the video.

“Why would a student have to put herself in danger by climbing a tree and including it in a video, when she had the option of trying to go to Pitas, either in a school or in a public place that has good internet coverage?” he said.

However, he described Veveonah as a person with “a big heart” but also “a young person who has no experience yet.”

“Weaknesses and mistakes will surely appear in your life,” he said.

Rahim’s claims come after Vice Minister of Communications and Multimedia Zahidi Zainul Abidin told Dewan Negara last week in response to a question from a parliamentarian, that the girl had failed to appear for exams and had shared the video just to get views for your YouTube channel.

Shortly after, Zahidi had issued an apology to Veveonah, saying that he had received “inaccurate information” on the matter.
