Sabah is willing to work with Putrajaya for the good of the nation, says Shafie


Sabah Acting Prime Minister Shafie Apdal (second from left) with Sabah Governor Juhar Mahiruddin and Acting Deputy Prime Minister Wilfred Madius Tangau. (Photo from Sabah Chief Minister’s Department)

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Acting Chief Minister Shafie Apdal said today that the state administration is always open to working with the federal government from government to government (G-to-G).

Speaking to reporters after the state-level Merdeka Day celebration, Shafie said this was especially the case in development matters.

He added that he had spoken with Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin about the matter.

“I told (Muhyiddin) that Sabah will work across the board for the benefit of the country. This is not like in politics, I said that politics is different and we will put it aside.

“My political position and my principles on certain issues differ, but we will cooperate in nation building. That is important.”

Recently, Muhyiddin said that it would be better if the Sabah government was aligned with the federal government.

Meanwhile, Shafie reminded all political leaders against divisive rhetoric that could affect racial and religious ties in the state.

“There is nothing good (in racial politics) for our future,” he said after the event that was also attended by Sabah Governor Juhar Mahiruddin and Acting Deputy Chief Minister Wilfred Madius Tangau.
