Sabah DAP criticizes Boo over budget vote dispute


Sabah DAP leader says opposition ties in the state may be damaged due to comments from a Johor DAP leader.

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah DAP has come out in defense of Warisan over the budget vote dispute, criticizing former Johor DAP boss Dr. Boo Cheng Hau for damaging ties between Sabah’s two opposition parties.

In a statement today, Sabah DAP’s publicity secretary Phoong Jin Zhe criticized Boo for his outburst towards Warisan, calling it unjustified.

“His comments have caused unwarranted damage to the opposition’s unity in the state.

“It should have channeled its views, opinions and complaints first through internal opposition channels, or perhaps through Sabah DAP,” Phoong said in a statement today.

The Luyang Assemblyman added that Boo’s views were purely his and did not represent the party.

“By making such an apology demand from Warisan out of nowhere and bypassing Sabah DAP, he not only put us in an awkward position, but he is also threatening the unity of the opposition at the federal level.”

Phoong also called out Boo for deflecting the blame on Warisan MPs over the budget vote, when the leader was opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.

“It is morally wrong to divert responsibility to Warisan for being absent from the committee stage block vote while conveniently ignoring the fact that Anwar, as leader of the opposition, did not get a majority to reject the budget based on his claim. to have a strong, formidable and convincing majority last September, ”he said.

He added that it was no longer the time to point fingers, but to fulfill the wishes of Malaysians who want to see a united and progressive opposition camp.

“And we urgently need a strong opposition leader who can offer alternatives to revive the dream of ‘New Malaysia’.”

Earlier today, Warisan General Treasurer Terrence Siambun also attacked Boo, who had berated his party’s MPs for failing to participate in budget voting at the Dewan Rakyat on Monday.

Siambun had said there was no point in further debating the 27 supply bills at the committee stage when Pakatan Harapan (PH) leaders themselves had already agreed to allow the budget to be passed on November 26.

“Instead, Boo should pose the question to opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim as to why he failed to fulfill his fiduciary duty to object to the budget last week,” he said.

Yesterday, Boo said that the Sabahans had voted for Warisan to represent them in Parliament and that the party was not chosen just to vent personal grudges against a single leader or against the PH himself.

Boo added that Warisan deputies had failed taxpayers by not voting against the budgets of the Prime Minister’s Department and the Finance Ministry that were approved Monday in Dewan Rakyat by a slim majority in a block vote.
