Sabah DAP calls for a new young opposition leader


KOTA KINABALU: A Sabah DAP leader wants the national opposition camp to be “brave” in their decision to install a new leader who will usher in a new policy and revive a “New Dream of Malaysia”.

Sabah DAP youth chief Phoong Jin Zhe said it was time for a young political leadership to come together and advance the opposition.

“We are now at a crucial crossroads and I want young political leaders to rise up and guide us forward.

“A leader who has integrity, charisma, ideals and above all, a leader who can unite all members of the Opposition to progress,” he said in a statement on Thursday (December 17), amid calls for a change in the leadership of the national opposition.

The Luyang Assemblyman said the new policy must include the reform of Malaysian federalism, and the most important thing is to uphold justice, integrity and the values ​​that younger generations expect.

Phoong said the Sheraton Move had disappointed many in the country, especially young people, who were deeply disappointed and began to distance themselves from politics.

“If we can’t restore trust in the people, we won’t see any substantial change in the future,” he said.

“The ‘strong, formidable and convincing’ majority of the opposition leader did not show up; The idea of ​​building a coalition with Umno has also been questioned by many, racial politics is worsening and polarizing our society, and the budget that has become a great disappointment to the people, was not defeated, ”he said without naming. to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. .

Phoong said that people’s faith in Pakatan Harapan appears to be flagging after these incidents.

“If Pakatan Harapan and the opposition camp cannot achieve resolutions for the people, we will not only lose our supporters, but also the younger generation who have been eagerly aspiring for a better future and a better Malaysia,” he said.

He said the general elections on May 8, 2018 saw a “great reconciliation” of generations and races that came together to defeat Barisan Nasional for a New Malaysia.

The meeting of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Anwar, the appointment of Syed Saddiq as the youngest minister in history, the appointment of Lim Guan Eng as Minister of Finance, were all fruits of the “Great Reconciliation” of races and generations in this new Malaysia said.

However, he said there was a disappointment from the people towards Pakatan which was caused by the old traditional politics.

He said an opposition leader who claimed to have a “strong, formidable and compelling” majority has been mocked as “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”, high-ranking politicians who lie for power and extreme racial and religious comments have gotten worse lately .

“If we are sincere in rebuilding a new Malaysia, we must usher in a new policy now,” he said in supporting a political restart.
