Risk assessment in May will determine whether interstate travel allowed for Raya, says Ismail Sabri


KUALA LUMPUR: The Health Ministry will carry out a risk assessment in May on whether or not to allow interstate travel for Hari Raya, says Chief Minister (Security) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

He said that since last year, the issue of interstate travel would come up before Ramadan and Hari Raya.

“This is especially true when we relax standard operating procedures (SOPs), such as how we allow Terawih prayers and Ramadan bazaars this year.

“As I have said in the past, all decisions about interstate travel are based on the advice given by the Ministry of Health,” he told reporters on Thursday (March 18).

“We also know that interstate travel contributed to Covid-19 clusters in the past.

“There have been 32 balik kampung groups due to interstate travel. Take, for example, Sarawak, which had green zones before interstate travel was allowed last year, and now has red and orange zones.

“Another classic case is Kelantan, which was once a green zone. But after December, many of those in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor returned, causing more than 65% of the state to become red zones. This did to change from the recovery motion control (MCO) order to MCO, “he said.

He added that because of this, the ministry takes the issue of interstate travel very seriously.

Ismail Sabri said the ministry will advise the MCO Technical Committee on these issues.

“I have been informed that by May, the numbers may drop to around 500 cases a day.

“At that time, the ministry will carry out an evaluation. So, those who want balik kampung, let’s all pray together,” he said.

He added that the most important thing was for everyone to comply with the SOPs so that Covid-19 cases continued to fall.
