Restaurants, some businesses in MCO conditional areas can now open until midnight, says Ismail Sabri


PETALING JAYA: Restaurants and other businesses in the states under the conditional MCO can now operate until midnight, says Chief Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

“I have received many inquiries about this and we have agreed that restaurants and businesses such as convenience stores and gas stations can now operate until midnight,” the defense minister said in his briefing on Covid-19 on Monday (Nov 23) .

He added that the change in hours of operation would take effect immediately.

On the possibility of the driving schools working again, he said talks have been held with the transport ministry to determine the necessary standard operating procedures.

“We have discussed this and agreed that they operate again.

“We will let the transport ministry inform the schools,” he said.

Regarding the massive Covid-19 testing for foreign workers, he said the Human Resources Ministry has been instructed to make the proper plans to ensure fewer crowds.

“The tests will now be based on the RTK Antigen method,” he said.
