Residents who live in fear after land erosion damage houses


IPOH: Residents of eight houses in Jalan Silibin Indah, near here, live in fear after the erosion of the land caused the back of their houses to sink.

In the 2 p.m. incident on Wednesday (May 13), some of the residents who were home discovered cracks in their walls.

For many, it was the kitchen area that was affected, and the structure of their homes seemed unstable.

Resident Mohammad Rosli Mohammad Ginda, 57, an electrical engineer, said he was sleeping at the time of the incident when his wife woke him up.

“I have been here for the past 13 years, and this is the first time such an incident has occurred.

“I have a feeling this is caused by spring water trapped underground because a river flows just behind our houses,” he added.

However, another resident S. Moses James, 59, a retired army officer whose kitchen area was affected, said the river was clogged with trash.

He said that people from outside the neighborhood had been throwing garbage into the river.

“I have been cleaning the river myself and have discovered old pillows and mattresses thrown into the river.

“The entire row of houses with the rear facing towards Sungai Tambun has collapsed. We are afraid that when it rains, the situation will be worse, ”he said.

Jelapang Assemblyman Cheah Pou Hian, who visited the scene on the day of the incident, has called all necessary departments to investigate the matter.

On Thursday (May 14), Cheah said he had called the Drainage and Irrigation Department and was told that the matter was under the jurisdiction of the Ipoh City Council.

“I informed the mayor about the incident and he assured me that the matter was being investigated.

“I am concerned that if it rains tonight, the situation could be very dangerous for the residents involved,” he added.

Cheah said residents must pack all their important documents and items, and be prepared to evacuate if necessary.
