Relations between parties in PN will continue to improve for GE15


KUALA LUMPUR: Relations and cooperation between the parties in the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government will be further strengthened, especially to face the 15th General Election (GE15), said Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. (pix)

The Prime Minister mentioned the importance of avoiding three-way fights between the PN government parties in GE15.

For that, he said, joint programs will be organized at the central, state and grassroots levels to create closer cooperation between the parties in the NP government.

“I also want to propose that the meetings between party leaders of the PN government be held more frequently. Perhaps the time has come for a Presidential Council to be formed, made up of the PN party leaders, Barisan Nasional (BN), Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) and Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS).

“Regular meetings can be held to discuss matters related to economic, educational, social and other policies,” he said today in his policy speech at the 2020 Bersatu annual general assembly.

Bersatu held its annual general meeting today, which began with the Srikandi meeting in the morning, followed by the Armada proceedings and the main assembly in the afternoon.

Procedures are carried out virtually from state-set locations, strictly adhering to standard operating procedure (SOP) to slow the spread of Covid-19.

Commenting further, Muhyiddin, who is also Chairman of Bersatu, said that this was important because not all party leaders were in the Cabinet and through the meetings, each party leader was able to present his party’s views. on key government policies to be considered by Cabinet when making any decision.

“I believe that in the next general election, Perikatan Nasional will be well received by the people of Malaysia. Studies have shown a high level of acceptance of PN among Malaysians. As such, Bersatu has decided to use the Perikatan Nasional logo in the 15th General Election.

“In the Sabah state elections, I made the decision to use the PN logo for the first time. Many had doubts about that decision because the PN is a new party. However, PN won 17 of the 29 seats contested and, together with its partners in GRS, which include PN, BN and PBS (Parti Bersatu Sabah), managed to form the new Sabah state government, ”he said.

He said that the formation of the PN as a new political coalition was an important achievement in the country’s political history, which will surely continue to be very successful in the future.

Muhyiddin said that Bersatu’s decision to leave Pakatan Harapan and form PN was not easy, and even more difficult to implement, but the fact is that the decision opened a new chapter for the party.

“We (PN) are considering applications from other political parties who want to join PN in the near future, which will make PN a national political coalition and represent the interests of all Malaysians.

“The basics are simple. We cannot be alone. We need our friends from other political parties to face the general elections and form a government. If Bersatu is alone, he may be able to win seats, but not enough to form the government, ”he said.

The Prime Minister also said that GE15 will only take place once the Covid-19 pandemic is over.

“We will give the mandate back to the people and let them decide and choose the government they want,” he said.

Muhyiddin also admitted that he was aware that people were beginning to tire of the endless politicking and wanted political leaders to help them, not to be forever involved in power struggles.

“This is the time for Bersatu to stand up and help the people. This is everyone’s role at the division and branch level, and more at the higher levels. With the daily lives of people affected by the pandemic, many are waiting for help. Many face difficulties.

“We are going to rise to the occasion. This is the time to serve the people: practice service policy, care policy, work policy. Not the politics of the power struggle. Provide your service and assistance to those in need. I think people will appreciate you more if you do this, ”he said.

He said that it was time to strengthen the party and that the party machinery should also be prepared to face the general elections.

Muhyiddin said that several amendments to the party’s constitution will be made this time at the annual general meeting.

“The amendments are important to ensure that our party can function better in accordance with the current reality. This includes the amendment of certain clauses in the party constitution to establish the associate members wing, ”he said.


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