Relating the horror of the murder of Hello Kitty’s mermaid doll


In May 1999, Hong Kong police found Fan Man-yee’s skull tucked into this giant Hello Kitty mermaid doll. (Image from Pinterest)

In May 1999, a Hong Kong police station received a strange and shocking report from a 13-year-old girl.

She claimed that she, her boyfriend and two of her friends had held a woman captive in their apartment on Granville Road in the Kowloon district and tortured her for weeks, until she died from her injuries.

Police doubted the girl’s story as she said she was reporting the crime because the spirit of the victim was haunting her dreams.

It seemed more logical to them that the girl was making up stories to attract attention or that she was mentally ill. She was also known for associating with members of the triad, one of whom was her boyfriend.

However, to discard his story, several agents were dispatched to the third floor apartment to verify the alleged crime scene. Upon entering the floor, they were struck by the distinctive stench of rotten meat.

Ironically, the floor was littered with innocent-looking Hello Kitty merchandise. But police were horrified to find a human skull inside a giant Hello Kitty mermaid doll.

The skull belonged to Fan Man-yee, whose short life of 23 years was interrupted by this group of depraved monsters.

Even before its cruel end, Fan led a life full of misery. She was abandoned as a child and turned to drugs in her teens. One thing led to another and for a time she worked as a prostitute.

When she turned 23, she tried to change her life for the better and worked as a club host, even though she was still battling addiction.

In 1996, she found respite in marriage and the birth of her son. But the marriage soured when her drug addicted husband began abusing her.

Sometime in 1997, he ran into Chan Man-lok, a pimp and drug dealer. Desperate for money, she stole a wallet containing 4,000 Hong Kong dollars from Chan.

Fan sharing a moment of happiness with her son.

He demanded compensation and, fearing for his life, she returned the money with an additional 10,000 Hong Kong dollars as “interest”. Chan was far from satisfied and demanded an additional HK $ 16,000, which Fan was unable to pay.

With two other men, Chan kidnapped Fan from her home, intending to force her into prostitution to earn the money she had supposedly lost.

But Chan and his goons began to torture Fan as punishment. His 13-year-old girlfriend not only witnessed, but participated in the atrocities committed against Fan.

In one case, Chan kicked and stomped Fan about 50 times and the girl joined him and then told police, “I had a feeling it was for fun.”

Fan was not only beaten and kicked, the group also forced her to drink her urine and eat the girl’s feces.

Chan (left) and one of his henchmen were members of the triad known to the authorities.

Chan and his friends burned Fan with melted straws and dripped boiling plastic onto his skin. Later, his girlfriend admitted to pouring chili oil on these burns and in her eyes, causing her even more excruciating pain.

Hanging Fan from the ceiling with wire, the gangsters beat her with metal pipes and wooden blocks until her bones broke and her head bled.

After a month of unimaginable torment, Fan died in April, but his ordeal was not over yet.

As idiotic as they were monstrous, the group tried to convince themselves that she had died from a drug overdose, despite the fact that they were the ones who were high most of the time.

His broken body was placed in a bathtub and dismembered with a saw. In an attempt to avoid the telltale smell of decay, they cooked the body parts, apparently on the stove next to the pot where they cooked their food, presumably using the same utensils in both pots.

The apartment building where Fan was held captive, tortured, and murdered before it was demolished in 2012.

After boiling Fan’s remains, they threw most of it in the trash, but kept Fan’s skull as a trophy. The skull, along with a bag of rotting internal organs and a single tooth, were found on that floor.

Chan and his associates were arrested for their heinous crimes, and the teenage girlfriend received legal immunity in exchange for her cooperation with the investigation.

Throughout the trial, Chan’s gang denied killing her, although they admitted to preventing Fan from receiving a legal burial. They turned on each other, each trying to suggest that they had less to do with Fan’s death while blaming each other.

Given the absence of a body to determine how Fan had died, the jury could not find the three guilty of murder, but instead convicted them of involuntary manslaughter. They were sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole in 2020.

Due to the suffering that took place there, the building was eventually abandoned by residents, some of whom claimed that Fan still haunted the site.

The building was bought by an investor in 2012 and demolished to erase the dark stain of its evil history.
