Rafidah: A circuit breaker is needed to prevent corruption from becoming the norm


PUTRAJAYA: A circuit breaker is the necessary “recipe” to prevent corruption from becoming the norm, says former minister Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz (Photo).

He highlighted various elements to combat all forms of corruption.

“Our greatest fear should be that corruption becomes a culture, a norm in which we see everyone doing it and we validate it,” he said at the Leadership Dialogue at the Anti-Corruption Forum on Thursday (September 3).

On the circuit breaker, Rafidah said it is necessary to eliminate and penalize the corrupt.

“This has to be done. Sometimes we pamper them and label them superior,” he added.

He said that it was also important to instill educational processes that can nurture and forge good values ​​and principles in all areas of society.

“I have mentioned that it all starts at home, in the family unit, the school system, workplaces and political organizations.

“At all levels, there must be a concerted effort to prioritize this national circuit breaker,” said the former Minister of International Trade and Industry.

Rafidah also said it was important to forge an anti-corruption culture and attitude in society.

“We must educate people to view corruption as disgusting, shameful, unforgivable, sinful and it must be rejected,” he said.

Rafidah said there must be a general understanding of what corruption is all about, its cost to society, how it impacts both individuals and groups.

He said that the national degradation caused by corruption has implied the trust of the people and this must be stopped.
