PS5’s fan is the reason for its size, says a Sony engineer


We saw the surprise official teardown of the PS5 by Sony Interactive Entertainment last week. And from there, it’s pretty clear that the massive fan is the reason behind the massive size of the console. The guy behind the teardown recently explained why that decision was made.


According to Nikkei Xtech, Yasuhiro Ootori, the leader of the PS5 thermal and mechanical design team, said the company once considered using two smaller fans, one on each side of the console. Doing so would have made the console smaller. But SIE ultimately decided not to because it had so many other downsides, for only an apparent benefit.

Sony PlayStation 5 teardown video

For one thing, he said that having two fans would mean that the PS5 would cost more to make. Then there is the unnecessary complexity of controlling two fans instead of just one. And while not mentioned in the article, the ability to have two smaller fans would also make the console louder. And considering the reactions to the PS4, that’s something SIE would definitely want to avoid.

So finally, SIE decided that the PS5 should be bigger to make it simpler and cheaper. It’s not a bad tradeoff overall, getting two positives for one negative. The console will be available worldwide on November 19.

(Source: Nikkei Xtech via VGC)
