Provisions at CMCO do not mean return to normal life


KUALA LUMPUR: The Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) that was imposed on May 4 to allow almost all economic and social activities to resume does not mean that people can return to their old lives.

The Movement Control Order (MCO), which was enforced for 47 days starting March 18 to curb the spread of Covid-19 and has gone through four phases with strict regulations, has been successful in reducing the number of infections.

The CMCO provides plenty of room for maneuver, but the standard operating procedure (SOP) established by the Ministry of Health must be observed.

The government’s decision was based on guidelines developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and advice from the Ministry of Health and the National Security Council with an emphasis on compliance with SOPs by employers, workers and the public in general.

The director of the Office of Occupational Safety and Health at the University of Putra Malaysia (UPM), associate professor Dr. Mohd Rafee Baharudin said that the margin of maneuver granted by the government under the CMCO for companies to resume operations is not a license to return to the old ways.

“Management must have a mechanism to monitor all its employees and ensure that they comply with the SOP of the Ministry of Health. The administration must provide evidence to the authorities of the controls of this compliance.

“This is very important since the level of awareness and knowledge among employees varies. Attention should be paid to awareness and the need for hygiene practices, “he said. Bernama.

Mohd Rafee said all employees must receive awareness training and take an oath to observe preventive measures against the spread of Covid-19.

“Non-compliance could lead to a new group in the workplace,” he said.

He also advised employees to be self-disciplined and honest when declaring their health status every day, and if they have a fever, cough, sore throat, and breathing difficulties, they should report to management and obtain medical treatment.

Meanwhile, the deputy director of the Malaysian Economic Research Institute (MIER), Dr. Jamal Othman, said that the CMCO will balance the need for economic activities to resume to generate income and the need to curb the spread of Covid-19 .

“This pandemic will be with us for a long time. But the economy must be allowed to function within limits for the good of the community. If the MCO continues, for example for another two weeks, without economic stimulus, the country will suffer losses of up to two percent of the Gross Domestic Product, “he said.

He added that it was time for the government to impose the CMCO after taking into account the health indicators and the need to open the economy to generate income for the people. – Bernama
