Pompeo defends 12 Hong Kongers detained by China


HONG KONG: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo defended the 12 Hong Kong residents who were detained by China when they allegedly tried to flee to Taiwan by boat in August, saying they “had not committed any crime.”

“They simply believe that they are worthy of the freedom and inalienable rights that are due to each person,” Pompeo said in virtual remarks delivered at the John S. McCain Freedom Award Ceremony on Wednesday (October 14). “You are not alone in that belief. The United States is with them. “

The 12, some of whom are linked to anti-government protests and were facing charges in Hong Kong before their arrest, are being held in the southern city of Shenzhen, where they await prosecution.

Two of them are suspected of organizing an illegal border crossing, while the other 10 are suspected of illegally entering continental waters.

READ: Carrie Lam says Hong Kong cannot demand protection of the rights of 12 arrested by China

LEE: China calls Hong Kong people arrested at sea ‘separatists’

The group was believed to be heading to autonomous Taiwan when they were arrested, following China’s imposition of a sweeping national security law targeting political expression in semi-autonomous Hong Kong. Taiwan is a popular choice for Hong Kong residents looking to get out of the city.

Family members say they are being held incommunicado and have not been allowed access to lawyers appointed by their relatives.

Pompeo’s comments come as Hong Kong police last week arrested nine other suspects of helping the 12 leave the city. The group of nine is believed to have provided accommodation and transportation.

Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam has repeatedly said that the 12 people detained must face the law in mainland China as they were arrested for crimes there. Although Hong Kong is part of China, it has a separate immigration and judicial system from the mainland, with separate border controls.

READ: Hong Kong leader says 12 arrested by China at sea are not ‘oppressed democratic activists’
