Police will further investigate Khairuddin


Police will further investigate Khairuddin

Updated 11 hours ago · Published on September 30, 2020 3:33 PM ·

The Minister of Plantation and Commodity Industries, Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali, was widely criticized after attending Parliament within the 14-day quarantine after returning from Turkey. Police say the AGC has given them further instructions to act on the case. – Malaysia Insight file photo, Sept. 30, 2020.

The POLICE have been told to further investigate the plantation industries and commodities minister Mohd Khairuddin, Aman Razali, in alleged breach of a mandatory home quarantine after returning from Turkey in July.

The director of the Federal Department of Criminal Investigations, Commissioner Huzir Mohamed, said that the General Prosecutor’s Office (AGC) has returned the investigation document (IP) to them with further instructions.

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