Police attacked while applying PCOS in Kota Baru


BACHOK (Bernama): Two policemen were attacked by a group of men while attempting to enforce standard operating procedure (SOP) at a store in Lembah Sireh, Kota Baru, on Wednesday night (October 14).

Insp N. Indra Nahu, 33, had injuries to his face from blows and scratches, while L / Kpl Tuan Hafizuddin Tuan Muhd ​​Sukeli, 29, broke a finger on his right hand, said the head of Kelantan Police, DCP Shafien Mamat.

DCP Shafien said the incident occurred around 8.15pm during an SOP enforcement operation with the Kota Baru Islamic City District Council (MPKB-BRI) and Rela (People’s Volunteer Corps).

He said that after identifying themselves, they were attacked and a fight broke out.

“The police arrested three men, aged 23 to 28, including a person believed to be the owner of the store,” DCP Shafien told reporters after visiting one of the policemen who were recovering at his home. on Thursday (October 15).

He said one of the attackers has a history of drug-related crimes, while police are looking for another suspect.

“The men are in preventive detention for four days as of today and the case is being investigated under articles 353 and 186 of the Penal Code for attacking a policeman and obstructing a public servant in the performance of his duty..

“We ask the public not to obstruct a public servant in the performance of his duties, especially in the application of the National Security Council’s rules for the pandemic,” said DCP Shafien.

In another case, he said a 50-year-old single mother from Pasir Puteh filed a police report Wednesday after she was the victim of a love scam and lost RM615,000.

“The victim was allegedly contacted by a courier company employee who said there was a package from England waiting for her and sent by someone she befriended on Facebook in April.”

However, he had to deposit 1,350 ringgit into a bank account that allegedly belonged to an official of the courier company as payment for “local expenses”.

After that, the victim received continuous instructions to make all kinds of other payments, including sales and service tax, and a statement that the item does not contain chemicals.

“The victim made several bank transactions in different accounts belonging to different people until September, totaling RM615,000,” DCP Shafien said, adding that she was threatened with legal action if she did not do so. – Bernama
