PM launches educational television channel DidikTV KPM (updated)


KUALA LUMPUR, February 17: Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin today launched a special terrestrial television channel on education, DidikTV Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (DidikTV KPM).

DidikTV KPM, which starts today, can be seen through channel 107 on MYTV, 147 on ASTRO and ntv7 on TV UNIFI, from 7 am to midnight every day.

The creation of the special channel was an effort by the ministry to increase access to quality education for students across the country.

In his speech, Muhyiddin said that DidikTV KPM would broadcast programs based on the ministry’s curriculum and co-curriculum, as well as news about the world of education from preschool to Form 6, educational entertainment programs and content. generated by students.

Additionally, lifelong learning content that focuses on good values ​​and character development of students will also be broadcast, he said.

“I am confident that DidikTV KPM will be able to assist in the implementation of PdPR (home teaching and learning), especially for students who do not have access to online education. Parents can also take the time to watch DidikTV KPM with their children, ”he said.

Muhyiddin said the ministry had taken the initiative to reactivate the time slots of terrestrial education television programs since the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO) on March 18 last year, in an effort to train the students, especially those who do not have access to the Internet or devices, to obtain learning materials through television programs.

“The government is aware that education is one of the sectors most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic that hit the country since the beginning of last year. It is a difficult situation and the ministry had to close schools during the MCO period.

“When schools are closed, face-to-face teaching and learning in schools will not be possible. However, the ministry is committed to continuing to provide educational access to more than five million students so that they can acquire necessary knowledge, skills and values.” , He said.

However, he said that the PdPR over the Internet has not been fully implemented due to the diverse backgrounds of the students and some live in urban, rural or remote areas.

Muhyiddin said he was impressed with the teaching method used by Cikgu Arzman Saad for the subject of Math Test 1 through the ‘Road to Success SPM 2020’ space on ntv7, which he described as creative and that students can accept and understand. easily.

“They told me that the professors, who are invited to teach, have a lot of experience in their respective fields so that the quality of teaching is the best,” he said.

Road to Success SPM 2020 was previously broadcast via DidikTV’s slot on ntv7, which invited teachers of various subjects to discuss techniques for answering questions from the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) exam.

He said it was a very good program to help SPM candidates who will start taking the exam next week.

Muhyiddin said he was confident that many teachers have the skills and experience to creatively deliver learning content.

“Congratulations to the teachers who are so committed to educating students in any situation,” he said. –Called
