Plan for young adults to buy houses in Putrajaya


The Federal Territories Ministry is targeting young adults to buy houses in Putrajaya as part of measures to increase the city’s population.

Minister Tan Sri Annuar Musa said that according to the ministry’s plan, affordable housing would also be reduced from the current RM300,000 to RM200,000 and less.

This is to attract younger buyers who earn less than RM4,000 a month under their home ownership concept.

“Younger buyers will be eligible for a longer loan term of up to 30 years and lower monthly installments, which will increase affordability.

“According to the ministry’s data, 50% of those who applied for housing loans from banks for affordable housing were rejected because their salary threshold did not meet the minimum requirements,” he said.

Annuar said the ministry has prepared cabinet documents for three affordable housing projects in Putrajaya at a price in the range of RM200,000.

He also said that the government had initially wanted to increase Putrajaya’s population to 300,000 when he turned 25.

However, this goal was not reached, as it now only had about 120,000 people.

“Of the total population, more than 90% are Malays and the majority are public officials.

“Many people want to live in Putrajaya, but because the value of land has increased, housing prices have also increased.

“We want to encourage others to buy houses, and not just public officials. Therefore, we need to build more truly affordable houses.

If all three housing projects are carried out, a few thousand houses will be available in the administrative capital, ”he said after launching Al-Quran Al-Karim Mushaf Putrajaya, a Koran printed in Putrajaya.

“As a result of the collaboration between the ministry, the Putrajaya Corporation and Yayasan Restu, we have just launched our own Putrajaya Quran, for which its structural design and motifs are inspired by the city’s architecture, landscape and flora.

“Our goal is to print 25,000 copies of the holy book in various sizes, to distribute to the mosques and schools in Putrajaya.

“The printing cost will be RM2mil. The ministry will inject the initial RM1mil and the rest will be contributed by various parties, “he said.

The launch of the holy book, celebrated in the Koran Kompleks Percetakan Nasyrul, was in conjunction with Putrajaya’s Silver Jubilee and Nuzul Al-Quran celebrations.

Annuar added that a third mosque for Putrajaya is planned to be established in Enclosure 14.

He added that it was part of a larger plan to build a Koranic Village, so the area around it would be associated with learning and appreciating the science of the Koran.

Kompleks Percetakan Nasyrul Quran in Precinct 14, Putrajaya is the country’s pride for being the largest Koran research and printing plant outside of Saudi Arabia, he added.

“It is the second largest in the world after the King Fahad Quran Printing Complex in Saudi Arabia,” he said, adding that Putrajaya received many tourists and was able to optimize the unique attraction.
