Philippines to ease ban on international arrivals at Manila airport on Monday


MANILA: The Philippines will allow international flights to arrive at Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) starting Monday, the Philippine Civil Aviation Authority (CAAP) said on Saturday (May 9).

“Beginning May 11, incoming and commercial international charter flights landing on the NAIA will have allocated days,” the CAAP notice said.

“The restrictions, which will last for a month, from May 11 to June 10, will be implemented only in NAIA, and other international airports in the country will have separate restrictions,” the notice said.

The CAAP operations center said that incoming international chartered flights may only land on Mondays and Thursdays, provided they obtain authorization from the Department of Foreign Affairs and CAAP for positioning purposes.

The notice says that incoming international commercial flights are allowed on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. But these flights must obtain CAAP approval 48 hours before the scheduled departure from the airport of origin for the assignment and rescheduling of flights necessary to subscribe to NAIA’s 400 passenger capacity per day, “the notice added.

According to the CAAP, travel restrictions do not include en route flights experiencing emergencies, ferry or cargo flights, air ambulance and medical supplies flights, government or military flights, climate mitigation flights, maintenance flights, and cargo flights. departure with passengers.

On May 3, the Philippines temporarily suspended all commercial passenger flights to and from the country for a week as the government accelerated pandemic testing of Covid-19 (coronavirus) of the growing number of Filipino returnees returning daily to the Philippines.

The one-week suspension ends on Sunday. – Xinhua / Asian News Network
